Adult groups

sunday school

Growing in faith together

All of our adult groups are centered around the purpose of connecting and growing together in faith. When you connect with a group, it's our goal to help you develop close friendships, discover Biblical truths that will help you overcome difficulties that come with adulthood, and grow your faith in Christ while learning how to share the Good News.

To find a class that's right for you, download our Sunday School Brochure.


Small groups

Building community

By joining a small group you'll cultivate meaningful relationships while engaging with God’s Word and growing spiritually in a casual setting such as homes, restaurants, and offices. We offer many small groups ranging from couple groups, to men’s groups and women’s groups.

For more information about small groups, times, and how to join, please contact us by email.

Email Us

Wednesday Night Bible Study and discipleship groups

Digging deeper into God's Word

At First Baptist Church Centre, we love the Bible! In addition to Sunday School and small groups, we offer plenty of opportunities to dig deeper into God's Word throughout the year.

We offer a Bible study and/or Discipleship Group's every Wednesday evening at 6:00pm at the Centre Community Center. Want to join us from home? Tune in to our Facebook Live.